- 243,668 BC to approximately 15,000 BC -
Alulim was the first ruler of Atlantis and reigned for nearly twenty-nine thousand years.
After many eons traveling the cosmos, exiled at the end of the great war, Alulim and his kin, after eventual consensus, returned to Earth and settled in Eridu. The ash and soot had all but disappeared from the stratosphere and allowed the sun to once more cover the Earth’s hardened soil under its warm glow.
They used their special adaptive abilities, and intimate knowledge of mathematics, alchemy, and the manipulation of the Kala to build cities, indeed a glorious empire, that stretched across the drifting continents.
Alulim, or Atlas, as he had become known, decreed his capital to be in modern-day Mauritania, and designed its concentric circles (the largest roughly fourteen miles in diameter) to resemble an eye, permanently hypnotized by the heavens, and would keep watch for a celestial event his astronomers had predicted. A dark pupil would be his palace in the center of alternating rings of blue water (of which there were three) and rings of land (of which there were two) dotted with gold-plated and silver buildings, all in the style and variations of the platonic solids. The tetrahedron was the most common, flanked by equally enormous monuments, and represented the balance and stability lost, and the heroes and villains that led to and survived the great cosmic calamity.
The land-ring was itself a construction. An enchanted circle of stone and various metals that, perpetually and imperceptibly (save for a very low-frequency hum), spun at hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute and hovered just above the Earth’s surface. The design meant that seismic events, which were still quite common in those days, would have little effect on the city and its inhabitants.
The structures, including the prismatic palace in the center, were also built on circular platforms that hung silently and steadily above the spinning ring and were connected by a series of bridges. Only the largest, most beautiful, and most elaborate edifices were fitted with engines, embedded seamlessly in their architecture, that would one day ignite their dormant cores and send them to the stars once more.
The city had an opening to the South that linked it with the Atlantic Ocean and was where sophisticated seafaring vessels would establish trade routes and explore other parts of the planet. Some of these Atlanteans that had set out across the waters, tall and blond, and garbed in their gold, white, and blue colored attires and armors, happened upon various and fascinating locations and lifeforms. More importantly, they witnessed and studied the development and rise of smaller hominids as they too attempted to explore the realms beyond their African territories approximately sixty thousand years ago.
This was during the rule of En-sipad-zid-ana (upon the abdication of Dumuzid, which was the way sovereignty was passed in those days), and he pronounced that natural life would be left to continue its evolutionary trajectory unaided and unhindered by all Atlanteans.
The decree was symbolized by a three-pronged trident, fashioned by and sole property of the ruler, representing the Atlanteans and the indigenous animals and primitive peoples of Earth, and was honored for many thousands of years – until the fifteen thousandth year of Ubara-Tutu’s rule. He inherited the trident, and regardless the warnings of his brother, En-mer-dur-ana, he made his own accord with familiar extra-terrestrial principalities that had decided to make their presence known. Those that had been monitoring the happenings on the planet were content with observation no more.
The law that forbade interference with the original inhabitants of Earth was annulled.
- 3,884 BC to 3,000 BC -
Sumerian civilization established itself by 3,500 BC and built the cities of Uruk, Ur, and several others. For the next five hundred years, they lived and traded with, served, and bred with the Atlanteans and their foreign allies whom they had come to call the Annunaki.
Tales of gods, and creation, and even their true names were fabricated and exploits exaggerated; to both amuse the overlords and mislead and frighten the subjugated humans. More than that, some of the human cities were also put under direct Atlantean or Annunaki command if they became too strong and sophisticated. Some embraced the totalitarian rule and built monuments to their godly leaders, while others resisted fiercely. Initial rebellions rose and fell quickly, and smaller, isolated skirmishes continued when some of the humans refused to be sold or taken as slaves, or worse.
For a while, generally speaking, nefarious practices and outright wicked rituals were tolerated in favor of humanity’s continued advancement in agriculture, medicine, music, and astronomy. But by 3,000 BC, the human race had grown comparatively large, and the prosperous age of enlightenment and passive cohabitation started to deteriorate irreversibly. Nearly all of the Annunaki disappeared overnight in their hidden skyships. Their Nephilim offspring remained, too many in number and stronger and more unstable with each generation – some even joining the resistance.
The other two factions, the wise and peaceful Atlanteans, for the most part at least, and the evermore angry and fearful humans, who numbered in the millions by that time, retreated to their own territories – strongholds established and defended by the bravest souls the world had ever seen. They used the knowledge and technology they had been given to design and fabricate mighty weapons, explosive-tipped spears, poisoned daggers and bombs, and in situations most dire, a mallet-shaped conductor of light and thunder that would defend them valiantly from the increasingly manic Nephilim and rogue Atlantean cells that would see them wiped from the Earth – to a time before their awakening.
The centuries that followed were chaotic. The Atlanteans fortified their capital in preparation for the coming prophecy. The Nephilim and their giant brothers roamed and killed indiscriminately, and favored the more densely populated cities. The humans and their heroes fought them as best they could, that is, if they weren’t fighting and murdering within their own ranks.
Rural settlements, who still valued the old ways, were spared most of the anguish, and mostly had to deal with lost giants or wounded Nephilim that were refused help or refuge from their own kind.
It was a time of rejection of the mingling between races.
It was a woeful time of mistrust, fear, and death.
But it wasn’t enough for the corrupt to quit.
* Eridu, also transliterated as Eridug, could mean "mighty place" or "guidance place". In the Sumerian King List, Eridu is named as the city of the first kings.
* The Nephilim were the offspring of the ‘sons of God’ & the ‘daughters of men’ before the Deluge, as per Genesis 6:1–4